Objective: Swapping out or upgrading the motherboard component of the pellet stove.
- Disconnect power to the back of the stove
- Remove the cover plate on both old and new motherboards.
- Disconnect the main power harness from the old and connect to the new.
- Connect the 4 pin data line from the controller to the motherboard.
- Disconnect the five 2-pin switches and connect them to the new board one at a time.
Use the following Legend Key if needed:
- Black = Vacuum Switch
- Blue = Hopper Lid Switch
- Red = Proof of Fire Switch
- White = Room Temperature Sensor Wire (between red and yellow)
- Yellow = Hopper Overheat Sensor
*See attached Wiring diagram
This video may also aid you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hsUn37o_i0
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